
ayan dot mukhopadhyay at vanderbilt dot edu

1025 16th Ave S,  Nashville, TN 37212

I am a senior research scientist and an adjunct assistant professor of Computer Science at Vanderbilt University. I work on Artificial Intelligence to positively impact society. 

I am also the co-founder of Mobius.AI

My research interests include multi-agent systems, robust machine learning, and decision-making under uncertainty. I am honored to be a Google AI Impact Scholar (2021) for Social Good.

Before this, I was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Stanford Intelligent Systems Lab at Stanford University, USA, working under Mykel Kochenderfer, where I was awarded the 2019 CARS post-doctoral fellowship by the Center of Automotive Research at Stanford (CARS). Before joining Stanford, I was a Ph.D. student at Vanderbilt University’s Computational Economics Research Lab under Eugene Vorobeychik, working on decision-theoretic and machine learning-based approaches for multi-agent planning. My thesis was nominated for the Victor Lesser Distinguished Dissertation Award 2020.

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