Talks and Media
I was interviewed by the INFORMS Resoundingly Human podcast about our work using Artificial Intelligence to design health interventions.
We gave a tutorial on multi-agent emergency response systems at IEEE SmartComp 2021. The videos of the talk are available on youtube.
I was one of the invited speakers at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory’s workshop on emergency response. See the slides here.
I gave a talk at the Los Alamos National Lab’s Seminar Series on “Multi-Agent Systems for Emergency Response.” See the slides here.
I gave a tutorial on “Smart Emergency Response” at the NSF Doctoral Consortium on Computational Sustainability, 2020 (CompSust-DC) (Tutorial). See the talk here here.
I gave a talk on lessons and challenges learned while designing emergency response systems at the AAAI Fall Symposium 2020 - AI for Social Good. See the talk here.
I gave a talk at the Utah Center for Data Science’s Summer Series 2020 about robust machine learning models and smart emergency response. See the poster here, and listen to the talk here.
I gave a talk about how robust incident prediction can combat poaching at the Cambridge Environmental Data Science Group’s AI4ER Seminar Series. If you are interested in the intersection of data science and the environment, listen to the talk here.
Media Coverage
Vanderbilt University covered our efforts to work with the city of Varanasi, India, to improve public transit.
Vanderbilt University covered my best paper award at the 2022 International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI).
Bella Naija, based in Lagos, Nigeria, covered our work with HelpMum to increase vaccination uptake in Nigeria by using Artificial Intelligence.
TechNext Nigeria covered the acceptance of our paper at the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, the first AI-driven vaccination uptake framework to be deployed in Nigeria.
Metro Lab Innovation of the Month covered our work on using Artificial Intelligence to lower emergency response times.
Financial Times covered our project while discussing how IoT devices can shape the future of smart cities.
Spectrum News covered our work on building WildfireDB.
UCR News discussed how our work on extracting heterogeneous data pertaining to wildfires can help firefighters.
Patch discussed how WildfireDB, the first comprehensive database that links wildfire occurrence with relevant covariates extracted from satellite data, can be used to model the spread of wildfires.